Groenendaal park: Designed by John Hope, it was formed by merging several country estates into one.
Vrijheidsbeeld, statue by Mari Andriessen to celebrate freedom and commemorate Heemstede victims of WWII. Located on the Vrijheidsdreef in Groenendaal park.
Slot Heemstede: The site of the Heemstede castle.
Hartekamp: Heemstede summer home of George Clifford on the Bennebroek border, who hired Linnaeus to write his 'Hortus Cliffortianus', a detailed description of the gardens of Hartecamp. George Clifford's house is closed to the public, but the suurounding gardens are used as a campus and are open to visitors.
Linnaeusbos: Originally a part of Hartekamp that was planted by George Clifford and documented by Linnaeus. In 2007 Heemstede will celebrate Linnaeus's 300th birthday.
De Naald: The 'needle' is a monument placed by D.J. van Lennep to honor Witte van Haemstede, the savior of Haarlem at a battle which on April 26th 1304 and to honor the wounded of another battle fought against the Spanish on July 8th, 1573. Both battles supposedly took place right at the corner of David Jacob van Lennep's house, where the monument stands. Railway connections
Roepie Kruize (1925-1992) – field hockey player and coach
Pieter Kooijmans (1933) – jurist and diplomat
Joost Swarte (1947) – comic artist and graphical designer
Johan Neeskens (1951) – football (soccer) player and manager
Astrid Schulz (1964) – model and actress
Annemieke Fokke (1967) – field hockey player
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