Alla Borisovna Pugachova (Алла Борисовна Пугачёва), pronounced "Pougachiova" or "Pugachova" and commonly anglicized as Pugacheva, born 15 April 1949 in Moscow, USSR, is perhaps the best known musical performer in Russia, her career having started in 1965 and continuing to this day. She is certainly the most successful Soviet and Russian performer in terms of record sales and popularity (* see notes about record sales below).
Professional biography
Alla's personal life has been very public due to her image and popularity, and is often discussed in the tabloid press. Her weight and rumours of extramarital relationships have been particularly popular points of discussion in such publications. However, she has maintained a positive attitude, and on numerous occasions shown that she is willing to discuss personal matters openly and laugh at herself.
In 1969 she married circus performer Mykolas Orbakas, and in 1971 she gave birth to daughter Kristina Orbakaite, who is now also a popular singer. She divorced Mykolas after 4 years of marriage in 1973.
Alla then married film director Aleksandr Stefanovich in 1976, and starred in a few of his movies. The union was dissolved in 1980, after drawn-out legal proceedings on the division of property, with Alla's luxurious flat in Patriarshy Ponds, Moscow being the heart of the debate.
In 1985, after years of living together, Alla married producer Yevgeniy Boldin, with whom she had numerous professional collaborations. They filed for divorce in 1993, stating that their professional lives interfered too much with their personal life.
In 1994 she married one of the most popular pop singers in Russia, Filipp Kirkorov, half her age and of Bulgarian-Armenian ethnicity. His career is said to have benefited significantly from the marriage. Their divorce was announced in November 2005.
She has also recently befriended popular comedian Maksim Galkin, and the relationship between them has been the source of numerous tabloid rumours, even though there is a 27-year age difference between them, and both sides have repeatedly stated that they are just friends. The two often perform together in large celebrity-studded events, such as New Year's day shows, and have even had a few musical collaborations.
Since 2005 she has been a member of the Public Chamber of Russia.

МТ 702909-288-1
1976 Alla Pugacheva & Vesyoliye Rebyata [Алла Пугачева и Веселые Ребята] (released in Bulgaria) - live / split
1978 Alla Pugacheva (released in Japan) - compiltaion
1978 Ala Pugachova. Ogledalo na dushata [Ала Пугачова. Огледало на душата] (released in Bulgaria)
1979 Alla Pugacheva & Iosif Kobzon [Алла Пугачева и Иосиф Кобзон] - split
1980 Disco A [Дискотека А] - instrumental remixes
1980 Alla Pugatšova. Huipulla (Kansan, Finland) - compilation
1981 Alla Pugačova (a Czech variant of the LP Something's Still To Come)
1981 Alla Pugatšova. Tähtikesä (Kansan, Finland) - compilation
1982 Meet Maetsro [У нас в гостях маэстро] - live / split
1982 Parade of Planets [Парад планет] - split
1983 Million Roses [Миллион роз] (released in Japan) - compilation
1983 Alla Pugacovova. Davna pisen (a Czech - only compilation)
1984 Alla Pugacheva - Soviet Superstar. Greatest Hits 1976-84 (released in Sweden) - compilation
1985 Alla Pugacheva - Soviet Superstar vol.2 (released in Finland) - compilation
1988 Songs Instead Of Letters [Песни вместо писем] - split with Udo Lindenberg
1989 Ferry Captain [Паромщик] - album #8 (Finland version)
1991 Alla (Ritonis, Riga)
1994 I Believe In You [Верю в тебя] - compilation
1995 The Path of a Star [Путь звезды] - compilation
1996 A 13 CD compilation of songs previously released only on LP and MC:
- Over the Sharp Needles of the Bright Flame [По острым иглам яркого огня]
Ah, How I Want to Live! [Ах, как хочется жить!]
And That's What All My Sadness Is [И в этом вся моя печаль]
Only in Movies [Только в кино]
That's Tomorrow, But Today... [Это завтра, а сегодня...]
Ticket to Yesterday's Show [Билет на вчерашний спектакль]
Rendez-vous on the Way [Встречи в пути]
On the Road of Expectations [На дороге ожиданий]
Ponderings by the Fireplace [Размышления у камина]
That Happened One Time [Это было однажды]
Lady From the Countryside Outpost [Барышня с Крестьянской заставы]
Alla Pugacheva in Stockholm [Алла Пугачева в Стокгольме]
Songs for the Encore [Песни на бис]
1996 Alla Pugacheva Sings [Поет Алла Пугачева] (songs by Aleksandr Zazepin) - compilation
1997 Two Stars [Две звезды] (with Vladimir Kuzmin) - compilation / split
1998 Surprise from Alla Pugacheva [Сюрприз от Аллы Пугачевой] - tribute
1978 The Woman Who Sings [Женщина, которая поёт], Mosfilm
1981 Love After Love [Любовью за любовь], Mosfilm
1984 Meetings with Alla Pugacheva [Встречи с Аллой Пугачёвой], USSR TV
1985 I Came to Say [Пришла и говорю], Mosfilm
1985 The Season of Miracles [Сезон чудес], Odessa Film Studio
1989-2002 Christmas Meetings [Рождественские встречи], USSR TV, Ostankino, Public Russian Television, Russian State Television
1995 Wait and Remember Me [Жди и помни меня], Public Russian Television
2003 After Two Hares [За двумя зайцами] Notes
Best selling music artists - World's top selling music artists chart.
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