In Norse mythology, Vígríðr is the giant plain where Ragnarök will be fought. It is described in Snorri Sturluson's Gylfaginning:
The Sons of Múspell shall go forth to that field which is called Vígrídr; thither shall come Fenris-Wolf also and the Midgard Serpent; then Loki and Hrymr shall come there also, and with him all the Rime-Giants. All the champions of Hel follow Loki; and the Sons of Múspell shall have a company by themselves, and it shall be very bright. The field Vígrídr is a hundred leagues wide each way. Gylfaginning 51, Brodeur's translation [1]
Snorri's source was presumably Vafþrúðnismál:
Vafthruthnir spake:
- 17. "Speak forth now, Gagnrath, | if there from the floor
Thou wouldst thy wisdom make known:
What name has the field | where in fight shall meet
Surt and the gracious gods?"
Othin spake:
- 18. "Vigrith is the field | where in fight shall meet
Surt and the gracious gods;
A hundred miles | each way does it measure.
And so are its boundaries set." Vafþrúðnismál 17-18, Bellows' translation [2]
- 18. "Vigrith is the field | where in fight shall meet
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