The Nestlé Children's Book Prize, formerly known as the Nestlé Smarties Book Prize is an annual award given to children's books written in the previous year by a UK citizen or resident. The prize is administered by Booktrust, an independent charity which promotes books and reading. The prize is sponsored by Nestlé, manufacturer of Smarties.
A panel of adult judges chooses a shortlist for the award, and schoolchildren across the UK vote on the first, second and third place winners. (A similar American award is the Dorothy Canfield Fisher Children's Book Award).

- Gold Award
- 9-11 years category: The Diamond of Drury Lane by Julia Golding (Egmont Press)
6-8 years category: Mouse Noses on Toast by Daren King (Faber and Faber)
0-5 years category: That Rabbit Belongs to Emily Brown by Cressida Cowell & Neal Layton (Orchard Books)
Silver Award
- 9-11 years category: The Tide Knot by Helen Dunmore (HarperCollins)
6-8 years category: Hugo Pepper by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell (Doubleday)
0-5 years category: The Emperor of Absurdia by Chris Riddell (Macmillan)
Bronze Award
- 9-11 years category: The Pig Who Saved the World by Paul Shipton (Puffin)
6-8 years category: The Adventures of the The Dish and The Spoon by Mini Grey (Jonathan Cape)
0-5 years category: Wibbly Pig's Silly Big Bear by Mick Inkpen (Hodder) 2006
- Gold Award
- 9-11 years category: I, Coriander by Sally Gardner (Orion)
6-8 years category: The Whisperer by Nick Butterworth (HarperCollins)
0-5 years category: Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers (HarperCollins)
Silver Award
- 9-11 years category: The Scarecrow and his Servant by Philip Pullman (DoubleDay)
6-8 years category: Sad Book by Michael Rosen, illustrated by Quentin Blake (Walker Books)
0-5 years category: The Dancing Tiger by Malachy Doyle, illustrated by Steve Johnson and Lou Fancher (Simon and Schuster)
Bronze Award
- 9-11 years category: The Whispering Road by Livi Michael (Puffin)
6-8 years category: Corby Flood by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell (DoubleDay)
0-5 years category: Wolves by Emily Gravett (MacMillan) 2005
- Gold Award
- 9-11 years category: Spilled Water by Sally Grindley (Bloomsbury)
6-8 years category: Fergus Crane by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell (Doubleday)
0-5 years category: Biscuit Bear by Mini Grey (Cape)
Silver Award
- 9-11 years category: The Star of Kazan by Eva Ibbotson (Macmillan)
6-8 years category: Cloud Busting by Malorie Blackman (Doubleday)
0-5 years category: My Big Brother Boris by Liz Pichon (Scholastic)
Bronze Award
- 9-11 years category: Keeper by Mal Peet (Walker)
6-8 years category: Smile! By Geraldine McCaughrean (OUP)
0-5 years category: Bartholomew and the Bug by Neal Layton (Hodder)
- 4Children Special Award: Fergus Crane by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell (Doubleday) 2004
- Gold Award
- 9-11 years category: The Fire-Eaters by David Almond
6-8 years category: Varjak Paw by S. F. Said, illustrated by Dave McKean
0-5 years category: The Witch's Children and the Queen by Ursula Jones, illustrated by Russell Ayto
Silver Award
- 9-11 years category: Montmorency by Eleanor Updale
6-8 years category: The Last Castaways by Harry Horse
0-5 years category: Tadpole's Promise by Jeanne Willis, illustrated by Tony Ross
Bronze Award
- 9-11 years category: The Various by Steve Augarde
6-8 years category: The Countess's Calamity by Sally Gardner
0-5 years category: Two Frogs by Chris Wormell
- Kids' Club Award: The Countess's Calamity by Sally Gardner 2002
- Gold Award
- 9-11 years category: Journey to the River Sea by Eva Ibbotson (Macmillan)
6-8 years category: The Shrimp by Emily Smith (Young Corgi)
0-5 years category: Chimp and Zee by Catherine and Laurence Anholt (Frances Lincoln)
Silver Award
- 9-11 years category: The Haunting of Alaizabel Cray by Chris Wooding (Scholastic)
6-8 years category: Ug by Raymond Briggs (by Cape)
0-5 years category: Kipper's A to Z by Mick Inkpen (Hodder)
Bronze Award
- 9-11 years category: The Kite Rider by Geraldine McCaughrean (Oxford University Press)
6-8 years category: What Planet Are You From Clarice Bean? by Lauren Child (Orchard Books)
0-5 years category: Five Little Friends by Sarah Dyer (Bloomsbury)
Kids' Club Network Special Award: What Planet Are You From Clarice Bean? by Lauren Child (Orchard Books) 2001
- Gold Award
- 9-11 years category: The Wind Singer by William Nicholson (Mammoth)
6-8 years category: Lizzie Zipmouth by Jacqueline Wilson, illustrated by Nick Sharratt (Young Corgi)
0-5 years category: Max by Bob Graham (Walker Books)
Silver Award
- 9-11 years category: The Other Side of Truth by Beverley Naidoo (Puffin)
6-8 years category: The Red and White Spotted Handkerchief by Tony Mitton, illustrated by Peter Bailey (Scholastic)
0-5 years category: Me and My Cat by Satoshi Kitamura (Andersen)
Bronze Award
- 9-11 years category: The Seeing Stone by Kevin Crossley-Holland (Orion)
6-8 years category: Beware of the Storybook Wolves by Lauren Child (Hodder)
0-5 years category: Husherbye by John Burningham (Jonathan Cape)
Kids' Club Network Special Award: Lizzie Zipmouth by Jacqueline Wilson, illustrated by Nick Sharratt (Young Corgi) 2000
- Gold Award
- 9-11 years category: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J. K. Rowling (Bloomsbury)
6-8 years category: Snow White and the Seven Aliens by Laurence Anholt, illustrated by Arthur Robins (Orchard Books)
0-5 years category: The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson, illustrated by Axel Scheffler (Macmillan)
Silver Award
- 9-11 years category: Kit's Wilderness by David Almond (Hodder Children's Books)
6-8 years category: Astrid, the Au Pair from Outer Space by Emily Smith (Corgi)
0-5 years category: Buffy - An Adventure Story by Bob Graham (Walker Books)
Bronze Award
- 9-11 years category: Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging by Louise Rennison (Piccadilly Press)
6-8 years category: Clarice Bean That's Me by Lauren Child (Orchard Books)
0-5 years category: I Wish I Were a Dog by Lydia Monks (Methuen) 1999
- Gold Award
- 9-11 years category: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J. K. Rowling (Bloomsbury)
6-8 years category: Last of the Gold Diggers by Harry Horse (Puffin Books)
0-5 years category: Cowboy Baby by Sue Heap (Walker Books)
Silver Award
- 9-11 years category: Aquila by Andrew Noriss (Puffin Books)
6-8 years category: The Runner by Keith Gray (Mammoth Books)
0-5 years category: Come On Daisy by Jane Simmons (Orchard Books)
Bronze Award
- 9-11 years category: The Crowstarver by Dick King-Smith (Doubleday)
6-8 years category: The Green Ship by Quentin Blake (Jonathan Cape)
0-5 years category: Secret in the Mist by Margaret Nash (David & Charles) 1998
- Gold Award
- 9-11 years category: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J. K. Rowling (Bloomsbury)
6-8 years category: The Owl Tree by Jenny Nimmo, illustrated by Anthony Lewis (Walker Books)
0-5 years category: Ginger by Charlotte Voake (Walker Books)
Silver Award
- 9-11 years category: Clockwork or All Wound Up by Philip Pullman (Corgi Yearling)
6-8 years category: The Little Reindeer by Michael Foreman (Andersen Press)
0-5 years category: Leon and Bob by Simon James (Walker Books)
Bronze Award
- 9-11 years category: Fire, Bed and Bone by Henrietta Branford (Walker Books)
6-8 years category: We Animals Would Like a Word With You by John Agard, illustrated by Satoshi Kitamura (Bodley Head)
0-5 years category: Fruits by Valerie Bloom, illustrated by David Axtell (Macmillan) 1997
- Gold Award
- 9-11 years category: The Firework-Maker's Daughter by Philip Pullman, illustrated by Nick Harris (Corgi Yearling)
6-8 years category: The Butterfly Lion by Michael Morpurgo, illustrated by Christian Birmingham (Collins Children's Books)
0-5 years category: Oops! by Colin McNaughton (Andersen Press)
Silver Award
- 9-11 years category: Johnny and the Bomb by Terry Pratchett (Doubleday)
6-8 years category: Harry the Poisonous Centipede by Lynne Reid Banks, illustrated by Tony Ross (Collins Children's Books)
0-5 years category: The World is Full of Babies by Mick Manning and Brita Granstrom (Watts Books)
Bronze Award
- 9-11 years category: Plundering Paradise by Geraldine McCaughrean (Oxford University Press)
6-8 years category: All Because of Jackson by Dick King-Smith, illustrated by John Eastwood (Doubleday)
0-5 years category: Clown by Quentin Blake (Cape) 1996
- 9-11 category and overall winner: Double Act by Jacqueline Wilson (Doubleday)
6 - 8 years category winner: Thomas and the Tinners by Jill Paton Walsh (Macdonald Young Books)
0 - 5 years category winner: The Last Noo-Noo by Jill Murphy (Walker Books) 1995
- 9 - 11 category and overall winner: The Exiles at Home by Hilary McKay (Gollancz)
6 - 8 years category winner: Dimanche Diller by Henrietta Branford, illustrated by Lesley Harker (Young Lions)
0 - 5 years category winner: So Much by Trish Cooke, illustrated by Helen Oxenbury (Walker Books) 1994
- 9 - 11 years category winner: Listen to the Dark by Maeve Henry (Heinemann)
6 - 8 category and overall winner: War Game by Michael Foreman (Pavilion)
0 - 5 years category winner: Hue Boy by Rita Phillips Mitchell (Gollancz) 1993
- 9 - 11 category and overall winner: The Great Elephant Chase by Gillian Cross (Oxford University Press)
0 - 5 years category winner: Nice Work, Little Wolf by Hilda Offen (Hamish Hamilton)
6 - 8 years category winner: The Story of the Creation by Jane Ray (Orchard Books) 1992
- 0 - 5 years category and overall winner: Farmer Duck by Martin Waddell and Helen Oxenbury (Walker Books)
6 - 8 years category winner: Josie Smith and Eileen by Magdalen Nabb (Collins)
9 - 11 years category winner: Krindledrax by Philip Ridley (Cape) 1991
- 9 - 11 years category and overall winner: Midnight Blue by Pauline Fisk (Lion)
0 - 5 years category winner: Six Dinner Sid by Inga Moore (Simon & Schuster)
6 - 8 years category winner: Esio Trot by Roald Dahl, illustrated by Quentin Blake (Cape) 1990
- 0 - 5 years category and overall winner: We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen, illustrated by Helen Oxenbury (Walker Books)
6 - 8 years category winner: Bill's New Frock by Anne Fine (Methuen)
9 - 11 years category winner: Blitzcat by Robert Westall (Macmillan) 1989
- 0 - 5 years category and overall winner: Can't You Sleep Little Bear? by Martin Waddell and Barbara Firth (Walker Books)
6 - 8 years category winner: Can it be True? by Susan Hill (Hamish Hamilton)
9 - 11 years category winner: Rushavenn Time by Theresa Whistler (Brixworth Primary School) 1988
- 9 - 11 years category and overall winner: A Thief in the Village by James Berry (Hamish Hamilton)
0 - 5 years category winner: The Angel and the Soldier Boy by Peter Collington (Methuen)
6 - 8 years category winner: Tangle and the Firesticks by Benedict Blathwayt (Julia MacRae) 1987
- The Snow Spider by Jenny Nimmo (Methuen) 1985
Carnegie Medal
Guardian Award
Kate Greenaway Medal
Newbery medal
- The Snow Spider by Jenny Nimmo (Methuen) 1985
- 9 - 11 years category and overall winner: A Thief in the Village by James Berry (Hamish Hamilton)
- 0 - 5 years category and overall winner: Can't You Sleep Little Bear? by Martin Waddell and Barbara Firth (Walker Books)
- 0 - 5 years category and overall winner: We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen, illustrated by Helen Oxenbury (Walker Books)
- 9 - 11 years category and overall winner: Midnight Blue by Pauline Fisk (Lion)
- 0 - 5 years category and overall winner: Farmer Duck by Martin Waddell and Helen Oxenbury (Walker Books)
- 9 - 11 category and overall winner: The Great Elephant Chase by Gillian Cross (Oxford University Press)
- 9 - 11 years category winner: Listen to the Dark by Maeve Henry (Heinemann)
- 9 - 11 category and overall winner: The Exiles at Home by Hilary McKay (Gollancz)
- 9-11 category and overall winner: Double Act by Jacqueline Wilson (Doubleday)
- 9-11 years category: Plundering Paradise by Geraldine McCaughrean (Oxford University Press)
- 9-11 years category: Johnny and the Bomb by Terry Pratchett (Doubleday)
- 9-11 years category: The Firework-Maker's Daughter by Philip Pullman, illustrated by Nick Harris (Corgi Yearling)
- Gold Award
- 9-11 years category: Fire, Bed and Bone by Henrietta Branford (Walker Books)
- 9-11 years category: Clockwork or All Wound Up by Philip Pullman (Corgi Yearling)
- 9-11 years category: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J. K. Rowling (Bloomsbury)
- Gold Award
- 9-11 years category: The Crowstarver by Dick King-Smith (Doubleday)
- 9-11 years category: Aquila by Andrew Noriss (Puffin Books)
- 9-11 years category: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J. K. Rowling (Bloomsbury)
- Gold Award
- 9-11 years category: Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging by Louise Rennison (Piccadilly Press)
- 9-11 years category: Kit's Wilderness by David Almond (Hodder Children's Books)
- 9-11 years category: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J. K. Rowling (Bloomsbury)
- Gold Award
- 9-11 years category: The Seeing Stone by Kevin Crossley-Holland (Orion)
- 9-11 years category: The Other Side of Truth by Beverley Naidoo (Puffin)
- 9-11 years category: The Wind Singer by William Nicholson (Mammoth)
- Gold Award
- 9-11 years category: The Kite Rider by Geraldine McCaughrean (Oxford University Press)
- 9-11 years category: The Haunting of Alaizabel Cray by Chris Wooding (Scholastic)
- 9-11 years category: Journey to the River Sea by Eva Ibbotson (Macmillan)
- Gold Award
- Kids' Club Award: The Countess's Calamity by Sally Gardner 2002
- 9-11 years category: The Various by Steve Augarde
- 9-11 years category: Montmorency by Eleanor Updale
- 9-11 years category: The Fire-Eaters by David Almond
- Gold Award
- 4Children Special Award: Fergus Crane by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell (Doubleday) 2004
- 9-11 years category: Keeper by Mal Peet (Walker)
- 9-11 years category: The Star of Kazan by Eva Ibbotson (Macmillan)
- 9-11 years category: Spilled Water by Sally Grindley (Bloomsbury)
- Gold Award
- 9-11 years category: The Whispering Road by Livi Michael (Puffin)
- 9-11 years category: The Scarecrow and his Servant by Philip Pullman (DoubleDay)
- 9-11 years category: I, Coriander by Sally Gardner (Orion)
- Gold Award
- 9-11 years category: The Pig Who Saved the World by Paul Shipton (Puffin)
- 9-11 years category: The Tide Knot by Helen Dunmore (HarperCollins)
- 9-11 years category: The Diamond of Drury Lane by Julia Golding (Egmont Press)
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